Saturday, October 08, 2005

Too Many?

S-O M-A-N-Y B-O-O-K-S. How can they need any more?, be any more that can be written? Are all those romance novels really different?..Why can the market accomidate x books on the Red Sox Championship season, they are all about the same season, and I would bet most of the buyers of those books, were fans and saw most of the games.

Maybe its perspective and insight that people are buying. Maybe a chance to re-live, even in the case of the romance novels, maybe they are not that much different, but instead they take the reader back to a place they want to experience again (or similarly). And maybe its like music, were the writer takes a limited specific (notes/language) and organizes it into one of an infinite number of combinations and produces 'works' of varying levels of merit and sucess.

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